When to See a Pain Management Physician
When an individual is experiencing acute or chronic pain (usually pain lasting for longer than 3-months) and still experiencing pain it's time to seek help from a pain management specialist. It's important to see a pain physician before resorting to taking narcotic medications for a long time or undergoing multiple injection procedures without knowing the root cause of pain.
Our heath care team works in collaboration with your primary care physician or other specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis. Determining the cause so we can work to accurately treat the problem.
South Lake Pain Institute works with your health care team to develop a multidisciplinary treatment plan, which may include:
- Use of medications
- Diagnostic testing
- Referral to specialist
- Physical therapy
- Injection or nerve block
- Ongoing monitoring and follow up
For every patient, our goal is to diagnose the problem and decrease the pain, while restoring quality of life. We also discuss with every patient lifestyle choices and how these impact pain.