How to Cope with COVID-19 Stress

During this time of added pressure to keep everyone as healthy as possible, not to mention navigating personal routine disruptions, it's more important than ever to utilize self management and self care strategies.
Here are some tools to assist in coping with stress:
Keep your body in good working order. Focus on nutrition, sleep, hydration and getting some physical activity each day. Adding more steps and walking into your day can change your mood.
Remember to breathe. Intentional breathing, slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth can help you slow down and focus on the present moment.
As much as possible, focus on one thing at a time. Prioritize working on the things you actually have control over.
Keep healthy self talk. Manage your self talk, what we tell ourselves about what's happening truly matters.
Be compassionate. Remember that everyone, including you, is doing the best they can do.
Gratitude for small things. Seek out 3 good things each day to balance out of the negative.
Reach out to others. While we must stay home and practice social distancing, use this time to reconnect with others virtually through telephone, video chat or social media mediums.
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