Great Advice for Managing Fibromyalgia Pain

When you have fibromyalgia, you never quite know what to expect. You have productive, busy days, but you also have days that can seem like slow torture. When you come to South Lake Pain Institute for help in managing your fibromyalgia, we’ll work with you to help you find the methods that work to manage your symptoms.
Fibromyalgia isn’t a one-size-fits-all disease. Each person diagnosed with it experiences it somewhat differently. It’s important to find the methods to manage your pain, and we’ll work with you one-on-one to develop a plan specifically for you.
There are some general pain management methods that may be helpful.
Take your medications as prescribed
It seems pretty simple, but if you have fibromyalgia, remembering to take your medications may be more challenging than you expected. If you have a multitude of obligations such as caring for a family, a stressful career, or other expectations to meet, the challenge of taking your medication can be even greater.
You may find that attaching your medication to some other routine, such as brushing your teeth or having breakfast, may help. Other strategies, such as setting an alarm or creating a reminder on your phone, may help you remember.
Practice yoga or meditation
Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can help relieve pain, and scientists are even learning how. There are classes, apps, and other methods that you may find helpful as you learn how to meditate.
Yoga involves some elements of meditation, but also helps to increase your flexibility and strength, which can be helpful in managing pain. If you take a yoga class, you’ll want to let your instructor know about your condition so that they can offer modifications if you need them.
You’ve probably been told that exercise will help lower your pain level, but you may find it difficult to believe. If it hurts to walk, how can walking help you not hurt? It seems like a cruel catch-22.
Our practitioners are happy to help you develop an exercise plan that begins where you are. You don’t need to begin by training for a 5K. In fact, it makes much more sense to begin by doing what you can and increasing your activity slowly.
You may only be able to walk for two minutes before the fatigue and pain stop you. So begin by walking for two minutes, and increase the duration when you’re ready.
Dietary adjustments
Nutrition is important, and when you have chronic condition such as fibromyalgia, it’s critical. Our practitioners at South Lake Pain Institute can help you understand how your diet impacts your fibromyalgia pain.
Proper nutrition can help reduce inflammation and increase your energy levels, but it can also be difficult to understand exactly what you should -- and shouldn’t -- be eating. By working with your healthcare provider, you’ll be able to figure out the most appropriate diet for you.
Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, you can manage your symptoms and live a fulfilling life. If you’re ready to explore the options at South Lake Pain Institute, book your appointment online or by phone today.
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