Dealing with Chronic Pain & Holiday Stress

The holidays can be stressful and chronic pain can be worsened by stress, so it's important to learn how to ease holiday stress.
Here are a few tips to help deal with and avoid holiday stress.
Take time for yourself. The holidays can be an extremely busy time, and that can lead to stress and negative emotions. However, remembering to take time for yourself and practice self-care is an important step in reducing your stress.
Protect yourself and others. Avoid large gatherings, or opt for gatherings outdoors where you can effectively social distance. Be sure to wash your hands frequently. Wear a mask when gathering with others not in your household and wash your mask daily in warm soapy water (never bleach).
Focus on your wellness. It's easy to lose track of your health and wellness during the holidays. Between all of the rich foods at holiday feasts and lack of time for exercise. Be sure to focus on nutrition and incorporate walking each day to make sure you are pouring back into yourself.
Plan your holiday. Whether it means setting aside specific times to shop, cook or creating a financial plan, make sure that you have a plan for the holidays. Creating a plan can make you feel more in control.
Avoid negative self talk. Stress can cause a swirl of negative emotions and self talk. Journaling can be helpful to put your thoughts, feelings and emotions onto paper and out of your head.
Talk to your provider. If you feel your pain is worsening or you need to discuss your condition, don't hesitate to reach out to your provider. They can provide additional "you" specific instructions.
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