Cortisone Injections vs. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

We asked Dr. Paez, M.D. and Dr. Julie Saranita, D.O. to weigh in on the difference between steroid injections and PRP.
What are steroid injections?
Dr. Julie Saranita, D.O. shares, "Cortisone injections are from a specific type of steroid called "corticosteroids" which have anti-inflammatory properties. A cortisone injection is performed by a physician directly into the specific pain area in the tendon or joint. The goal is to provide pain relief.
However, steroid injections can come with side effects such as ligament, bone and joint deterioration. In addition, a steroid injection may not provide complete relief alone."
What are Platelet Rich Plasma Injections or PRP?
Dr. Paez, M.D. shares, "Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) uses a patient's own cells to treat pain. These injections use your own blood and platelets to promote healing. Platelets contain growth factors and proteins that aid healing in soft tissues. Research shows PRP injections can alter the immune response to help reduce inflammation."
Are PRP Injections Effective?
Dr. Saranita says, "As always we look at each patient and their unique pain condition along with their overall health state. While steroid injections can provide immediate relief, PRP injections can provide more significant and sustained healing relief to the injured area through its process of reducing inflammation. "
Dr. Paez adds, "The goal of any therapy is to resolve pain and restore quality of life. Studies have shown PRP therapy to be effective at relieving pain and returning patients to their normal activities. Both ultrasound and MRI images have sown definitive tissue repair after PRP therapy, confirming the healing process."
Both Dr. Saranita and Dr. Paez agree, each patient is unique and what works for one patient may not work for another. All factors must be weighed including the nature of the injury, goals for restoring quality of life and overall health condition. In addition, boths physicians agreed a single treatment may not always provide sustained relief and a combination of treatments may be required.
If you are interested in learning more about PRP injections speaking with your provider to see if they may be right for you.
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