Best Treatment Options for Those Who Suffer from Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain

Amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome (AMPS) is an umbrella term encompassing several different conditions. AMPS may also be referred to as childhood pain amplification syndrome or juvenile pain amplification syndrome. Although anyone of any age can develop it, it’s most often seen in children.
Other names you may hear associated with AMPS include:
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
- Juvenile fibromyalgia
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Neuropathic pain
- Reflex neurovascular dystrophy (RND)
- Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
Mixed-up signals
AMPS is your nervous system beginning to interpret things that shouldn’t hurt as being painful. For example, if you have AMPS, a light touch may be extremely painful -- not because of any wound or injury, but because your nerves start abnormally processing signals.
Often, people who have AMPS have had an injury, illness, or endured psychological stress. It’s more common in teens, girls, and people who have depression or anxiety.
The pain can be generalized, felt in a region of the body such as one arm or could be felt in joints throughout your body. You may also feel tired, have difficulty sleeping, or have headaches when you have AMPS.
You may also have autonomic changes, that is, changes in the temperature or color of the affected area. Your joints could swell; you may have a rash or a fever.
As you might imagine, AMPS is not always easy to diagnose. The kinds of pain associated with AMPS are common to many different conditions, and there isn’t a lab test to identify it.
The physicians at South Lake Pain Institute are experts in conditions that cause pain, including AMPS. You can rely on their expertise in eliminating other possibilities, understanding your medical history, and arriving at a correct diagnosis.
Because there are many factors involved with AMPS, you may be presented a variety of treatment approaches. For example, sometimes there are psychological elements to AMPS, so talking to a mental health expert could be part of your overall treatment.
Physical therapy, often in conjunction with exercise, is a common and effective approach to treating AMPS. Physical therapy can help retrain your nervous system, while exercises to improve the flexibility, strength, and functioning of the affected area can help you regain mobility and pain-free use of your body.
A process known as desensitization can also be helpful. When you go through desensitization, a clinician applies pressure to a sensitive area to help you get through the pain. During each session, greater pressure is applied. This process also helps your nervous system return to normal functioning.
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with AMPS or if you have reason to suspect AMPS is causing pain, book an appointment at South Lake Pain Institute by phone or online today.
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