5 Health Benefits (and Uses) for CBD Oil

It’s hard to go a week without hearing something about CBD oil, whether from advertisements, news articles, or even your friends and acquaintances. It seems as if most everyone is enthusiastic about this relatively new treatment, and its effectiveness is being touted for everything from plantar fasciitis to memory problems.
With so much hype, you may be struggling to understand what CBD oil is, how it helps, and what its benefits really are. We’re here to help -- as much as we can. The truth is, there’s still a need for research when it comes to CBD oil, although what we do know about it is quite promising.
Though some of the marketing hype around CBD promises that it has no side effects, that isn’t quite the case. Some people do experience mild side effects, such as fatigue or irritability, but overall we believe that CBD oil is safe as long as you purchase it from a reputable source.
In this post, we’ll discuss five conditions that CBD has either been proven to treat, or the evidence is so promising that we recommend it.
The most well-researched and proven instances of the effectiveness of CBD oil have been in the treatment of childhood epilepsy. Some types of epilepsy, such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), don’t respond to antiseizure medications. Numerous studies have shown that CBD reduces the number of seizures people with those types of epilepsy experience.
In fact, the first, and so far only, FDA-approved cannabis-derived medication, Epidolex, is designed to treat epilepsy.
More research is necessary, but the early studies examining whether or not CBD is effective in treating arthritis pain have been positive. CBD appears to reduce inflammation, which is a major driver of arthritis pain, and to prevent nerve damage.
One study investigated the use of CBD in osteoarthritis specifically. The researchers concluded, “Successful relief of [osteoarthritis] symptoms by peripherally administered CBD suggests a therapeutic option that has a low chance of adverse effects which is more desirable for patients.”
A recent study examined the question of whether or not CBD is useful in treating anxiety. The researchers considered the cases of 103 adult psychiatric patients who had either anxiety or insomnia and concluded that CBD “may hold benefit for anxiety-related disorders.” Additional clinical trials are needed to confirm the results, but the preliminary evidence is positive.
Researchers are also investigating whether CBD may help you sleep better. According to Consumer Reports, “a small but growing body of scientific research provides some support for CBD as a sleep aid.”
Chronic pain
Since CBD appears to reduce inflammation, it isn’t surprising that it may be a useful treatment for chronic pain. Early research shows that CBD has few side effects, so if you’re suffering chronic pain, there are few risks associated with adding it to your routine to find out if it may help you.
If you’d like more information about CBD or recommendations tailored specifically for your situation, book an appointment online or by phone at South Lake Pain Institute. We’re happy to discuss your options.
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